Returning from a vacation or business trip to find your furry friend acting unusually lethargic can be concerning.

In this article we’ll talk about some of the reasons you may see a lethargic pet, tips for post-boarding, and how to choose the best boarding facility.

Understanding Dog Lethargy

Dog lethargy is a state where a canine displays a marked decrease in energy, enthusiasm, or activity levels. It’s characterized by the dog appearing more tired than usual, displaying a lack of interest in activities they previously enjoyed, and potentially sleeping more than is typical for them.

In most cases, lethargy after a boarding stay is very normal. However, lethargy can be a symptom of various underlying issues, ranging from simple fatigue after excessive play to more severe health problems such as infections, chronic diseases, or metabolic disorders.

Recognizing and understanding lethargy in dogs is crucial for owners, as it can serve as an early indicator of potential health concerns that may require veterinary attention.

Common Reasons for Lethargy After Boarding

Causes for dog lethargy after boarding

Stress from a New Environment

Boarding facilities, although designed for pets, can be overwhelming. The unfamiliar surroundings, combined with the absence of their owner, can lead to stress-induced lethargy.

Physical Exhaustion

Increased playtime or activities with other dogs might exhaust your pet more than their usual routine at home. Quality boarding facilities are going to make sure your pup gets plenty of exercise and play time.

Dietary Changes

Different food or feeding routines at the facility can cause digestive issues or a change in energy levels. Again, good boarding facilities will do the best they can to simulate the levels of food and time of feedings that your dog receives at home. However, there can be some anxiety regarding feeding in a different place and at slightly different times.

Illness or Disease

Close proximity to other dogs might expose your pet to illnesses. While this is a rare occurrence at boarding facilities, it can happen. It’s always wise to monitor for other symptoms and consult a vet.

Tips to Help Your Lethargic Dog Post-Boarding

Provide a familiar environment. Let them rest in their favorite spot and surround them with familiar toys or bedding.

Monitor food and water intake. Ensure they’re eating and drinking properly. Gradual reintroduction of their regular diet can be helpful.

Visit the vet. If lethargy persists or if you notice other symptoms, a trip to the vet is a must.

Give them some TLC. Just like us, dogs can feel down. Cuddles, soft words, and gentle play can help them recover faster.

How to Choose a Good Boarding Facility

How to choose a good boarding facility

Research and Reviews

Look online for reviews and ratings to gauge others’ experiences. What are others saying about the condition of the facility, the dog handlers, and the adherence to pet owner instructions.

Tour the Facility

A personal visit can give you a sense of cleanliness, space, and the overall environment. It’s important to know that your dog is staying at a facility that will make them comfortable.

Ask About Daily Routines

Understanding how they handle feeding, playtime, and rest can be insightful. You know your dog’s daily routines. How will they fit into the routines of the boarding facility and does the facility work with you to help with the transition for your dog.

Your dog’s well-being is paramount. By understanding the potential causes of their lethargy post-boarding and taking the right measures, you can ensure a happy and healthy pup.